Choosing the right Brick Tile Colour!

Looking to install brick tiles for your next big home interiors project?

If so then colour choice will almost certainly be a priority.

Here we are going to cover the basic principles on picking the perfect colour brick tiles to suit your room.

Brick Tile Colour

One of the main aims when choosing brick tiles is co-ordinating the colour to fit the room.

This means looking at the room as a whole and visualising what the end result should look like.

Deciding on using brick tiles is the easy part, the hardest part is making sure the colour choice works with the flooring, paintwork, fixtures and fittings.

As always, a rooms ambiance and feel comes primarily from the colours within. As human beings we are greatly affected by colour. Colour plays a huge part in psychological comfort. Simply put, a blue room will feel cooler, a red room will feel warmer. This principle works with brick tiles.

Red, orange and brown brick tiles will give off warming tones whereas, white and grey brick tiles will be cooler in tone.

Brick tiles once installed will last for many years so it is best to choose a colour that will stand the test of time.

How to plan colour!

We recommend that before any purchasing stage that you create a design mood board, this is a great starting point for gathering your ideas and seeing what colours work together.

By ordering samples of flooring, walling, paint, brick tiles and textiles you can mix and match until you get a mood board which you are happy with.

Once you have mood board which ignites you into a design fury, you are ready to plan your project moving forward.

If you are looking at completing a mood board prior to your project starting then take a look at our brick tiles sample page.

The sample colours don’t look like I thought!

What a brick tile looks like on an IPad or a laptop can differ to what it will look in your home. Lighting plays a massive part in how any surface tile or texture looks.

Our tip is to always leave your samples in the installation space, live with them for at least a week. Making sure you move them around your room so that you can see what they look like in different lights. The result may surprise you!

Brick tile Colour choice is yours!

It is totally up to you which brick tile product you opt to use.

Colour is art and art is subjective, so if all else fails just let your imagination run wild!

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