Fireplaces and Brick Tiles

Fire places & brick tiles Fireplaces and brick tiles go together like peas and carrots!

The modern world in which we live has gifted us with technology that has rendered a traditional fireplace almost redundant, it is sad but very true!!

Design trends always follow a revolution and everything in the end makes a comeback.

Its unanimous, designers are now in agreement, brick fireplaces are back!

Fireplaces create a statement

The traditional fire place is a key focal area of any social room due to its presence and stature.

If you were to ask most designers, it would be a pretty safe bet that they are going to work very hard to make sure that the fireplace creates a statement and draws your attention.

Brick tile fireplaces are an easy way to transform and improve on your fire design.

Budgets don’t have to be huge! Using our superb brick tiles is cheap in comparison to building a full brick built feature.

Installation is easy

Installation is easy, Brick tiles are relatively simple to install and well within the capabilities of any DIY amateur.

Brick tile fireplaces are built from the most basic of  ideas. Their ease of use means that designs can be simple, plain or complex, options are limitless.

Anyone who has built with building bricks as a child will find using our Brick tiles just as creatively rewarding.

One great thing about using Brick tiles is that we offer a full range of  headers, stretcher reveals and corners to suit.

Available in all product ranges these special cut tiles allow you the freedom to complete your design.

By using specially cut bricks the design shackles are free. You can create detailed and exacting features that cannot be achieved with just standard tiles.

Only Real Clay Brick Tiles

All of our fantastic tiles are cut from reclaimed and handmade traditional bricks.

We always ensure that the quality, colours and textures of our products are never compromised during manufacture.

Only our real clay brick tiles will give a fireplace the realism and authenticity required.

Obvious questions

The installation of Brick tiles raises obvious questions when proposed for a fireplace.

The most common question asked is with regards to heat and heat resistance. We always advise that any installation should be pointed with an approved fire cement.

Safety is paramount, you should always follow basic safety rules when installing.

The great thing about Brick tiles is that a simple fireplace feature can be accomplished with a minimum of 2 square meters of product.


A cheap way to transform your living room.

Go on give it a go!



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